“Top quality for your first bass.”
GIB has designed the woofy basses to be a surefire choice for those who want to start playing bass or buy their first 5-string bass.
We find factories at local trade shows in China that offer a good balance between production costs and quality, and negotiate directly with them.
We manufacture our basses with strict quality control.
After importing them to Japan, GIB craftsmen set up the electrical system and string vibration for each bass.
We use high-grade materials, such as Belden for the wiring and Switchcraft #11 for the jacks.
We adjust the nut, neck, string height, pickups, pitch intonation, etc. to GIB standards.
We ship our basses in perfect condition.
We are particular about the pickups, which are the core of the sound, and we equip them with ones that provide a clear, crisp sound.
To be honest, they are not ready to be used on a professional stage, and there is room for improvement around the frets.
However, we set this quality and price considering the greatest common denominator for entry-level instruments.
We do not generally engage in secondary distribution (wholesaling). Although limiting sales to direct sales from GIB will reduce total sales, we have chosen to pursue the highest quality while keeping prices down.